It could be a thyroid issue.

What the Thyroid Does:
The thyroid, an endocrine gland located in the front of the neck, produces thyroid hormones T3 and T4. The thyroid regulates metabolism, this reaches practically all the cells in your body, converting oxygen and calories to energy. When the amount of hormones are altered there are changes in body weight, energy, and mental health.
Signs your thyroid is sluggish
Hypothyroidism occurs when you are not producing enough thyroid hormones.
Possible effects may include:
Weight gain Fatigue
Trouble sleeping Joint Pain
Hoarse voice Constipation
Thinning hair Dry skin
Depression Altered menstrual flow
High cholesterol Sensitive to cold
Nerve damage such as sudden numbness, tingling, or pain
Chinese Medicine Perspective:
Chinese Medicine views health concerns as disharmonies in the body which are treated by restoring balance. Hypothyroidism is a disharmony of Qi and yang energies, particularly of the kidney and spleen systems.

Qi (chee) is the energy for physiological functions. The initial stages of hypothyroidism show a Qi deficiency with mild symptoms of fatigue, depression, constipation, irregular menstrual cycles, and cold sensitivity.
If a Qi imbalance is untreated it will effect the body's yang energy and symptoms will become more pronounced. The nature of yang is warming and energizing and if yang is deficient, metabolism and thought processes slow. Likely symptoms include aversion to cold, lethargy, lack of motivation, fatigue, puffiness or swelling, low libido, weak back and knees, and weight gain.
How acupuncture and herbal formulas can help:

Regulate hormones
Improve energy levels
Balance emotions
Address sleep concerns
Support any current western medical treatments being used

Nutritional Therapy
Try eating foods and spices that are considered warming. These foods support yang which help activate metabolism. Examples of beneficial foods would include cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, turmeric, garlic, ginger, onions, walnuts, pistachios, chicken, soups and stews, raspberries, cherries, black beans and generally foods that are considered pungent.
While warming foods will help add energy, foods that are cold or uncooked are harder for the body to digest. Try limiting foods straight out of the refrigerator, adding ice to water, or eating uncooked produce, especially in the winter.