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Five Reasons To Get Cupping


What is cupping?

Cupping is a centuries old traditional therapy where glass cups are placed on the body creating a vacuum suction. The gentle suction draws fascia away from the body, invigorating circulation of blood, oxygen, and lymphatic flow to the area to stimulate healing. Cupping therapy helps encourage tissue repair, remove cellular waste, reduce inflammation, and promote muscle relaxation. In Traditional Chinese Medicine cupping is used for many functions. Here are 5 reasons to consider getting a cupping treatment.


Reasons to get cupping

Stress, anxiety: Cupping can help calm the nervous system bringing our body into a deeper state of relaxation, reducing stress, worry, and anxiety. Digestion: cupping can stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest) encouraging the digestive process and reducing bloating and abdominal discomfort. Respiratory health: This traditional use of cupping increases circulation toward your lungs and expels congestion. Cupping helps reduce symptoms of asthma, colds, flus, fever, and coughs. Pain: Cupping therapy can alleviate pain, stiffness, and inflammation of soft tissue and help remove cellular waste. Reducing muscle tightness can alleviate tension headaches and migraines.

High blood pressure: Studies have shown cupping reduces blood pressure which may be due to an increase in nitric oxide. Nitric oxide helps relax and dilate blood vessels which lowers blood pressure and increases circulation. We produce less of this signaling molecule as we age and boosting supply levels can be important for cardiovascular health.


Meaning of cupping marks

The signature marks left by cupping therapy are nothing to worry about and will fade quickly. Characteristics of the marks can help diagnose the severity, location, and type of underlying pattern. The darker the color of a cupping mark points to a longer standing condition with increased stagnant blood and cellular debris.

Light pink: a light pink mark that fades quickly indicates good circulation, low toxins.

Darker pink, red: This darker shade indicates increased signs of stagnation of blood, lymph, and toxins. Fresh red indicates a recent trauma.

Dark red, purple: these darker shades indicate a condition has been going on for a long time and there is sluggish circulation.

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